
MWC Kigali has been able to grow year over year thanks to the help of our sponsors and partners. By becoming a sponsor, you promote your business and establish your brand as a major player to a senior-level audience at the event. 

In addition to the finer detail of your sponsorship, all of our sponsorship packages feature the below benefits.

  • Company profile listed on the MWC Website and online, via the MWC MyApp
  • Dedicated Sponsorship Project Manager for pre-event and onsite support
Accepted logo formats:
  • For print use, please send a high-resolution logo, ideally in EPS format. High-quality file examples: EPS created in Adobe Illustrator; High-resolution (300dpi) TIFF
  • For digital use, please send a high-resolution JPEG or PNG logo file

Forms & Deadlines

Your Sponsorship Project Manager will provide you with a full deadline tracker within the coming weeks. A live tracker will be shared with you and updated by the Sponsorship team on a weekly basis for you to go in and review any upcoming deadlines you have.

GSMA Sponsorship Implementation Contacts

All Sponsors are allocated a dedicated Sponsorship Project Manager to be their day-to-day contact who will manage the implementation of your sponsorship package. Your Sponsorship Project Manager will reach out to discuss the particulars of your package, including deadlines. If you have any queries, please contact the Sponsorship Team at the following email address: sponsorship@gsma.com.

Sponsorship Opportunities MWC Kigali 2024

We offer a variety of packages designed to fulfill a range of objectives including high-profile branding, networking, and thought leadership, or we can create a custom opportunity to help you meet your goals. If you are looking to stand out among the exhibitors and want to add longevity to your investment, contact your Account Manager.

General Event Enquiries

For further information outside of your sponsorship delivery, please use the following: https://www.mwckigali.com/get-in-touch