
Code of Conduct

All exhibitors, their guests and contractors, where required, participating at MWC Shanghai (the “Event”) are required to comply with the following Code of Conduct.

Adult Content

GSMA ("the Organiser") shall be entitled to close a stand during build-up or during the Event if the exhibitor is considered to be displaying materials of an offensive nature. The Organiser reserves the right to close down stand and the Exhibitor shall bear any costs that may be incurred by the Organiser in closing down a stand.

Air Conditioning and Ventilation

The Company is encouraged to include an adequate ventilation system in any enclosed space in order to continually renew the air within the enclosure.  Air conditioning installations should include an antibacterial filter. The use of air recirculation within an enclosed space should be avoided.

The Organizer and the Venue Owners reserve the right to disconnect any air-conditioning system if it is causing a nuisance to any attendee or the surrounding area / stands.

Alcohol and Drugs

Neither an exhibitor or its contractors are permitted to be under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs while working at the Event venue, or while performing site activities, including, but not limited to, operating vehicles, machinery or other equipment that could pose a danger or be hazardous to themselves or others. The Organiser and the Shanghai New International Expo Centre ("SNIEC" or the "Venue") reserve the right to remove from the Event Venue, any person who does not strictly adhere to this rule.

Anti Harassment 

GSMA provides a positive, harassment-free Event experience for all Attendees, regardless of gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, race, age or religion. GSMA does not tolerate harassment in any form. The use of harassing language and imagery (including that of a sexualised nature) is not appropriate at any GSMA Event or related social activity sponsored or organised by GSMA. Any Attendee found to be violating GSMA’s anti-harassment policy, may be sanctioned or expelled without a refund at GSMA’s sole discretion.
Examples of harassment include, but are not limited to:
• Verbal comments or actions related to gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, race, age, or religion;
• Use of sexual images in public spaces;
• Deliberate intimidation, stalking or following;
• Unauthorised photography or recording;
• Use of sexualised or harassing content in presentations;
• Inappropriate physical contact;
• Unwelcome sexual attention; and
• Advocating for or encouraging any of the above behaviour.
If at any time You are made to feel unsafe or unwelcome at a GSMA Event, or witness this behaviour towards others, please report it as soon as possible. Reports can be made either personally onsite to GSMA staff or emailed to Regardless of the reporting method, the name and/or company reporting a harassment incident will be held in strictest confidence. Onsite staff will have been briefed to immediately escalate incidents.


Attending MWC Shanghai must be at least 16 years of age at the date of attending the Event, minors are not permitted.  For details, please visit our Attendee Terms and Conditions.


During the Event, cleaning services will be performed once daily before the opening of the Event. This service is provided by SYMA at no additional cost for all package stands. Cleaning of exhibitors’ stands includes:

  • Floor vacuuming
  • Emptying and cleaning waste paper bins

Competitions, Lotteries and  Draws

No competitions, lotteries, draws, games of chance or the like may be held by the exhibitor whether at the Event or through a Sponsorship without the written consent of, (i) the Organiser, and (ii) such local and or regional authorities whose consent, whether by way of a formal license or permit, is required.

Giveaways and Promotional Material

Exhibitors are asked not to place stickers, signs or posters anywhere in the halls other than within their own stand and on paid advertising poster sites and billboards.

Exhibitor’s representatives may not distribute promotional literature, brochures, invitations etc. along gangways or near the entrance/exits. Such activities are to be confined within the stand boundaries.

  • All efforts to advertise, promote sales and operate exhibits or Sponsorship by the Exhibitor must be conducted in such a way as not to cause any annoyance or inconvenience to other exhibitors or visitors
  • Exhibitors are to ensure stands are kept in a clean and tidy state for the duration of the Event 
  • Exhibitors are not permitted to distribute, exhibit or advertise any third party materials, items or services at the Event

The Organiser reserves the right to stop any Exhibitor from performing any of the mentioned activities or any activities in conjunction with the above.  It is the Organiser’s sole discretion to remove any material or cease any activity.

Dress Code at the Event

Exhibition stand staff are expected to dress in business and/or business casual attire and behave in an appropriate, professional manner. Given the Event’s global profile and their convening of an entire industry and ecosystem, exhibition stand staff come from a broad range of cultures and nations. GSMA asks that this diversity and inclusivity is reflected in exhibition stand staff choice of clothing (e.g. clothing with political slogans or military fatigues would not be appropriate attire for an Event).

GSMA reserves the right to request that any exhibition stand staff alter their attire or leave the Event immediately if their appearance and/or conduct: (i) is inappropriate given the professional and global nature of an Event; and / or (ii) could reasonably be deemed to be offensive to other Event participants.


Prohibited from using or operating drones or drone systems at SNIEC.

Final Clause

In the event that situations arise which are not specifically governed by a provision in these regulations, in the exhibitor manual or the Standard Terms and Conditions, the exhibitor agrees that the Organiser’s decision shall be final.

IP Complaint Handling Guideline

As the organizer of the MWC Shanghai, we, the GSMA, sincerely invite you to join us in protecting intellectual property rights (“IPR”) and jointly comply with the relevant regulations, including the "Shanghai Convention and Exhibition Industry Regulations," "Shanghai Regulations on the Protection of Intellectual Property Rights" and "Rapid Resolution of Exhibition Intellectual Property Disputes in Pudong District" (collectively referred to as the “Regulations”) to expedite the resolution of exhibition-related intellectual property disputes. In this regard, you are supposed to act in accordance with the following requirements:

  1. You have conducted a self-examination of the intellectual property status related to the exhibition items in accordance with relevant laws and regulations, which do not and will not infringe upon any third party’s IPR.
  2. The exhibition items have not been: (1) complained by IPR holders or interested parties before this exhibition, or (2) determined to be constituted infringement through effective legal instruments.
  3. You will carry relevant IPR ownership documentation (including but not limited to patent certificates, patent authorization notices, proof of patent owner's identity, trademark registration certificates, proof of trademark owner's identity, copyright rights certificates, proof of copyright owner's identity, and other proof of legal status of IPR) during the exhibition and will appropriately label and mark the IPR on the exhibited items in accordance with relevant regulations.
  4. You will actively cooperate with the GSMA, administrative authorities, and judicial authorities in supervision, inspection, evidence collection, and resolution work during the exhibition. You further ensure the accuracy, completeness, truthfulness, legality, and validity of the submitted materials.

  5. You will follow the complaint handling procedures issued by the GSMA without affecting the smooth progress of the exhibition.

  6. You will not make any malicious complaints. If any losses are caused to the GSMA or the respondent due to malicious complaints or submission of false or fraudulent complaint materials, You are willing to bear the corresponding legal liabilities.

  7. In the event that any intellectual property dispute occurs, you will accept the mediation and other work conducted by the GSMA or the complaint institution. Upon receipt of notification from the complaint institution, you will submit written statements and evidence of non-infringement within 24 hours, proving the legitimate ownership of the items being complained about, and assist the GSMA or the complaint institution in inspecting the allegedly infringing items.

  8. If an exhibition item is determined to be suspected of infringement, you will take measures such as covering, removing, or canceling the exhibition items in accordance with the requests of the GSMA or the complaint institution. GSMA has the right to reclaim your credentials and cancel or terminate your participation qualifications.

  9. In the event of a violation of any of the above requirements, you are willing to accept the handling by the GSMA or the complaint institution.

If you would like to learn more about the IPR protection measures for this event or file an IPR complaint, please click HERE, or you could also contact our legal experts directly:

Mr. Allen Chen


Tel: +86 21 2415 1561


Mr. Bill Zhou


Tel: +86 21 2415 1549


Demonstrations or presentations which may generate noise during the Event shall be kept to a minimum. All speakers shall be positioned inwards, within the boundaries of a stand. The maximum permitted volume on stands is 65db above background noise, measured at a distance of 3m from the relevant stand. The maximum permitted volume shall apply to all stands, whether located on the exterior and interior of the Event building. The Organiser may, at its sole discretion, restrict or terminate any demonstration or presentation that does not comply with this requirement.

anchorOnsite and Overnight Storage

Valuable items must be securely stored and monitored at all time. Exhibitors/visitors are not advised to keep any valuable items at the venue overnight. GSMA will not take responsibility for any loss of valuable items during build-up, Event days and/or dismantling periods of MWC Shanghai.

Outboarding and Suitcasing 

Outboarding and suitcasing are unethical acts that are strictly prohibited.

Outboarding seeks to capitalise on the investments of others and the goodwill of the MWC Shanghai. Outboarding is a commercial activity conducted from a hotel guest room or hospitality suite, a restaurant, club or any other private or public place of assembly. Also known as an outboarded event, this type of activity seeks to capitalise on the investment of established exhibition organisations, such as the MWC Shanghai to drive attendance, build the show brand and attract exhibitors to the outboarded event. This act is strictly prohibited during MWC Shanghai.

Suitcasing is a practice on the part of any attendee who is observed to be soliciting business in the aisles or other public spaces of the Event or in another Exhibitor’s stand.
In order to distribute information to and conduct business with attendees of the Event, you must have purchased Event space (e.g. exhibition or hospitality) within the Event venue. All materials must be distributed from your purchased space and not in the public areas of the venue or from another Exhibitor’s space.

Parties on your Stand

The Organiser must be informed in advance of any parties or which are due to take place within your exhibition space and/or hospitality suite areas. Parties shall only be permitted during official Event opening hours. Any Exhibitor deemed to be, in Organiser’s sole opinion, hosting a party or otherwise entertaining on their stand after the official closure of the Event will be required to end its party immediately and exit the venue.

If you wish to hold a party on your stand please complete the Stand Event within the section Forms & Deadlines.

If you have any questions please contact us at

Photography in the Exhibition Halls

Photographing stands or products on stands is prohibited without the prior authorisation of the exhibitor(s) concerned. Exhibitors are allowed to take photos of their own stands; however other stands may only be photographed by official MWC Shanghai photographers. Privately hired photographers are not permitted within the Event venue at any time.

Press Access to the MWC Shanghai

Members of the press are strictly not allowed access to the exhibition halls during build-up or dismantling periods. Exhibitors who are found to have registered press as exhibition staff and have facilitated press access to the exhibition floor during these periods will be in violation of terms and conditions. Offenders will be expelled from the venue.


Smoking is not permitted inside of any part of the SNIEC. This applies to build up, Event open days and dismantling.

Waste Removal

Exhibitors are required to accept GSMA’s waste removal conditions. 
The exhibitor or the company responsible for building and/or decorating the stand should leave the area completely clean and free of debris before the end of the dismantling period. The following are the official conditions in relation to waste removal:

  • Exhibitors must ensure that all materials, debris and waste are removed from SNEIC before the end of the period designated for build up, and the end of the period designated for dismantling.
  • Exhibitors must ensure that any proposal that is accepted from a stand design and build contractor includes waste removal and recycling.
  • If any materials are found after the dismantling period has come to an end a clean-up fee of RMB 3,000 per square meter of your total stand size will be charged directly to the Exhibitor - therefore if you have contracted a 12m2 stand you will be liable for a RMB 36,000 fine (12 * RMB 3,000) regardless of the total amount of materials found.
  • Dumping of materials (i.e. removing waste from stands and abandoning elsewhere in the site) at Mobile World Congress Shanghai is strictly forbidden and carries severe penalties. Any contractor caught abandoning waste of any kind will be fined, on the spot, RMB 30,000 plus the cost of the removal of the abandoned material.

IMPORTANT: At the end of build up and at the end of dismantling before leaving the venue every exhibitor/contractor must have their stand space inspected by a representative of SNIEC/SYMA who will issue a waste removal “Handover Certificate” as proof that named stand space is clean and clear of any waste. SNIEC/SYMA will be contactable through their service desks which will be located in the north registration hall. Cleaning deposit will be refunded upon present the waste removal Certificate at SNIEC/SYMA Desk.

Wi-Fi Policy

Due to the high level of possible interference to Wi-Fi Networks in enclosed spaces, the following policy has been agreed upon which, we believe, will give exhibitors a better experience of Wi-Fi at Mobile World Congress Shanghai.

At MWC Shanghai, exhibitors are NOT permitted to deploy their own access points in their stands and MUST purchase a Wi-Fi service from our official IT supplier, Shanghai Xin Mei Ge Exhibition Co. if they require a Wi-Fi service for their stand.

This will allow the GSMA and Shanghai Xin Mei Ge Exhibition Co. to have full control over the infrastructure and more importantly, be able to better control the amount of interferences between exhibitors’ booths, thus giving you, the exhibitor, the best Wi-Fi Network experience during the event.

Note: There will be exceptions made for those Exhibitors that require specific access points and/or configurations to enable a demonstration on their stand. In such cases, you must apply in writing for this special exception to Shanghai Xin Mei Ge Exhibition Co. Please be aware that submitting a business case does not grant you an exception to the policy. This will only be granted if the business case is approved.

All Exhibitors are asked to cooperate fully with this Wi-Fi policy to ensure the best Wi-Fi experience for all during the congress. 

  • You will not be able to use the public Wi-Fi network within any Exhibition Hall at MWC Shanghai. At the event this public network will be turned off to give the exhibitors who purchase their own Wi-Fi networks within their stands a better experience for conducting demos and for general internet usage.
  • Only 5Ghz Wi-Fi service is available at MWC Shanghai, which provides a spectra that is less congested and offers many more channels significantly easing the problem. We will not be providing general available service in the 2.4GHz band. Please ensure you have 5Ghz compatible devices at MWC Shanghai, or submit a business case to
  • Monitoring Teams of MWC Shanghai will be using advanced ‘scanning’ software to monitor access points across the exhibition halls. Any rogue access points found will be ordered to power them down and adhere to the Wi-Fi policy. The GSMA have the right and the ability to cancel the Wi-Fi signal and disable access points. This is a last resort effort after contact with the stand has been made to adhere to this Wi-Fi policy. Those exempt from this will be those that have prior written approval to install their own access points for special demonstrations.

We believe the above policy will improve the experience of those using Wi-Fi in the exhibition halls by removing the public access of internet via Wi-Fi, as well as removing the ability for exhibitors to bring their own access points in these Halls, and isolating all the Wi-Fi used to booths to be deployed by Shanghai Xin Mei Ge Exhibition Co. for better control and management. By managing all the Wi-Fi deployments in the booths, Shanghai Xin Mei Ge Exhibition Co. will have full autonomy of Wi-Fi and be able to monitor this with more control, this allowing a much improved experience for those requiring Wi-Fi at MWC Shanghai.

It’s imperative the above is adhered to, to ensure a good Wi-Fi experience by all at MWC Shanghai.

If requiring Shanghai Xin Mei Ge Exhibition Co. to setup a WLAN network for you, please do the following –

  1. Order the right amount of bandwidth for your stand.
  2. Order the right amount of access points from Shanghai Xin Mei Ge Exhibition Co. for the size of your stand.
  3. Shanghai Xin Mei Ge Exhibition Co. will then deliver your access points and set up your network at the specified date when ordering.

Exhibitor Obligation

  1. Those ordering Wi-Fi services directly through Shanghai Xin Mei Ge Exhibition Co. must do so before deadline date 24 May, 2024
    • Early bird discount deadline is Monday, 6 May, 2024.
    • Late order received after Friday 24 May, 2024 and before Friday, 31 May, 2024 is subject to a 50% surcharge.
    • Limited by technical reason, order submitted on and after Friday, 31 May 2024 may not be accepted.
  2. Those exhibitors that require the use of their own access point for special configurations for demonstrations are required to apply in writing to Shanghai Xin Mei Ge Exhibition Co. who will review their business case. Shanghai Xin Mei Ge Exhibition Co. reserve the right of the final decision for deploying Wi-Fi to the booths.

Role of the WLAN Coordinator

  1. The WLAN Coordinator will pro-actively ensure that all exhibitors are adhering to the Wi-Fi policy.
  2. They will hold the master list of Wi-Fi Access Points and the channel assignments of those AP’s. If it is found that an exhibitor is not adhering to the Wi-Fi policy, they may lose the ability to use the Wi-Fi and have their bandwidth turned off.
  3. They will control monitoring software to ensure there are no unauthorised WLAN’s setup and will report these to the GSMA or other authorised personnel which could result in possible disconnection.

Acceptable Use

Acceptable Use Policy prohibits the following:

  1. Using the Wi-Fi Service (“Service”) to transmit any material that, intentionally or unintentionally, violates any applicable local, state, national or international law, or any rule or regulations promulgated thereunder.
  2. Using the Service to harm, or attempt to harm other persons, businesses or other entities.
  3. Using the Service to transmit any material that threatens or encourages bodily harm or destruction of property or harasses another.
  4. Using the Service to make fraudulent offers to sell or buy products, items, or services or to advance any type of financial scam.
  5. Adding, removing, or modifying identified network header information in an effort to deceive or mislead is prohibited. Attempting to impersonate any person by using forged headers or other identifying information is prohibited.
  6. Using the Service to transmit or facilitate any unsolicited commercial email or unsolicited bulk email.
  7. Using the Service to access, or to attempt to access, the accounts of others, or to penetrate, or attempt to penetrate, security measures of Shanghai Xin Mei Ge Exhibition Co.’s Wi-Fi Service or another entity’s computer software or hardware, electronic communications system or telecommunications system, whether or not the intrusion results in the access, corruption or loss of data.
  8. Using the Service to transmit any material that infringes any copyright, trademark, patent, trade secret, or other proprietary rights of any third party, including, but not limited to, the unauthorized copying of copyrighted material, the digitization and distribution of photographs from magazines, books or other copyrighted sources, and the unauthorized transmittal of copyrighted software.
  9. Using the Service to collect, or attempt to collect, personal information about third parties without their knowledge or consent.
  10. Reselling the Service.
  11. Using the Service for any activity which adversely affects the ability of other people or systems to use the Shanghai Xin Mei Ge Exhibition Co. Wi-Fi Service or the Internet. This includes “denial of service” (DoS) attacks against another network host or individual user. Interference with or disruption of other network users, network services or network equipment is prohibited. It is your responsibility to ensure that your network is configured in a secure manner.

Other Terms of Use

  1. Company agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless GSMA Ltd and its affiliates, officers, employees, agents, suppliers, sponsors or other partners from any and all third party claims, liabilities, costs, and expenses, including reasonable attorneys’ fees, arising from Company’s use of the Wi-Fi service, a violation of the terms with Shanghai Xin Mei Ge Exhibition Co. for use of the Wi-Fi service or a violation of any rights of another.
  2. While using Wi-Fi, Company agrees to abide by all applicable laws, rules and regulations.
  3. GSMA Ltd. may terminate Wi-Fi services at any time without prior notice if in its sole opinion the Company is using the Wi-Fi service in a manner inconsistent with the Acceptable Use Policy above or in any other detrimental manner.

Frequency Coordination Policy 

Shanghai Xin Mei Ge Exhibition Co., representing the interests of the Organizers of the MWC Shanghai,


  1. that the MWC Shanghai will take place in Shanghai New International Expo Centre (Hereinafter referred to as SNIEC), Shanghai (China).
  2. that frequencies are requested by Exhibitors for their demos.
  3. that using frequency without authorization or permission is strictly prohibited in SNIEC.
  4. that local frequency management and code planning for Demos is applied and approved by SNIEC and Local Authorization through Shanghai Xin Mei Ge Exhibition Co.
  5. that due to the limited permission of CDMA and UMTS, frequency and bandwidth shall be submitted firstly.
  6. that frequencies of GSM and UTMS 900 are limited to 921-925 MHz.
  7. that for all specific requirement in any spectrum, exhibitors must contact Shanghai Xin Mei Ge Exhibition Co. ( for pre-validation.
  8. that each application shall submit together with the detailed information including but not limited to frequency, bandwidth, quantity, usage, etc, besides the demo contents.
  9. that a strict power limitation policy applies and will be enforced on site.
  10. that each spectrum allocation is for demos usage only.
  11. that spectrum allocations will result in a RMB14,500 charge per spectrum/per request and this application fee will not be returned if the application is denied.
  12. that spectrum allocation charge will cover expenses incurred in achieving such tasks as frequencies coordination, spectrum planning, frequency surveys before and during show to monitor spectrum occupancy on site, and enforcement of Frequency Management Rules.

  1. that each applier must fill and submit the Frequency Application Form before Monday 6 May, 2024to Shanghai Xin Mei Ge Exhibition Co. for pre-checking of Local Authorization.
  2. that the applier submits formal application documents for the approved frequency, including but not limited to the application letter (Shanghai Xin Mei Ge Exhibition Co.) will send the letter format to the applier after passing the pre-checking), whose original paper should be signed, chopped and delivered to Shanghai Xin Mei Ge Exhibition Co., together with chopped copy of business license. Shanghai Xin Mei Ge Exhibition Co. will then go on for official application procedure of Local Authorization.
  3. that for the disapproved frequency but can be refined according to the feedback of Local Authorization, Shanghai Xin Mei Ge Exhibition Co. will inform the applier to adjust the application and submit again for pre-checking.
  4. that a separate request must be filled for each spectrum required and for each location.
  5. that all applications should come with corresponding settlement based on a RMB14,500 per spectrum/per request.
  6. that each Vendor must be in condition to control the emission power of their radio equipment.
  7. that the maximum e.i.r.p limits stipulated in Appendix 1 will apply.
  8. that frequencies details are listed in Appendix 2.
  9. that Vendor of Wi-Fi Application must fill in IT Services Form that can be found in Forms and Deadlines section.
  10. that all the emissions must finish at the end of the Expo.
  11. that the demonstrations cannot interfere other licensed telecommunications services.

Appendix 1

Channel width

Maximum mean e.i.r.p. density

Maximum peak e.i.r.p

Below 1.5MHz

– 80 dBm/MHz or -146 dBm/Hz /channel

- 70 dBm

1.5 to 5MHz

– 80 dBm/MHz or -143 dBm/Hz /channel

- 70 dBm

5 to 10MHz

– 80 dBm/MHz or -140 dBm/Hz /channel

- 70 dBm

10 to 20MHz

– 80 dBm/MHz or -137 dBm/Hz /channel

- 70 dBm

   These figures represent maximum power levels allowed around each booth (3 meters)
   Further power restrictions may apply on site in case of interferences
   Specifications subject to change

Appendix 2

List of frequencies available for MWC Shanghai


Whether available in Shanghai or not

CDMA Demos

Available, and pre-checking is requested

DVB-H 600-800 MHz and LTE

Available, and pre-checking is requested


876~880MHz is not allowed but 921-925 MHz is available, and pre-checking is requested


876~880MHz is not allowed but 921-925 MHz is available, and pre-checking is requested


Detailed frequency is needed to check whether it is available or not


Detailed frequency is needed to check whether it is available or not


Detailed frequency is needed to check whether it is available or not


Available, and pre-checking is requested