PR and Media
Pre-Registered Press and Analyst List
The pre-registered press and analyst list for MWC Shanghai will be available exclusively to exhibitors, sponsors and partners through the Online Event Manual. It is not available to general attendees. Please note, the event manager at the exhibitor/sponsor/partner who had the original login to the Online Event Manual will be able to access it. For PR teams, please liaise with your respective internal counterpart as the GSMA PR team cannot provide a separate login for PR teams.
Media events at MWC Shanghai
We invite selected partners and sponsors to share calendar information about their media events due to take place throughout MWC Shanghai on the MWC Shanghai Press Zone, where the information will be publicly shared for the benefit of press, industry analysts and PR stakeholders looking to plan and coordinate their activities. To share information about your media event on the press zone, please click here.
Contact the GSMA PR Team
If you have any enquiries regarding PR at MWC Shanghai, you can contact the GSMA PR team at