Booth Plan Submission

All Exhibitors with ‘Space-Only’ booths must submit detailed booth plans to be independently inspected for compliance with the rules and regulation set forth in this Event Manual, as well as the prevailing building and safety regulations.

Exhibitors are responsible for ensuring that their booth designers and contractors fully understand the requirements and regulations set forth in this Event Manual, and are following all applicable regulations and legal requirements.

The booth plan submission process also includes the submission of certain mandatory safety documents, and the Certificate of Insurance (COI) which collectively make up the ‘booth plan submission’. The full ‘booth plan submission includes:
  • Detailed plans and designs
  • Safety Risk Assessment
  • Method Statement
  • Certificate of Insurance (COI)
Booth plans and Certificate of Insurance (COI) are to be submitted directly through the Abraxys plan upload platform, please click on the box below to submit your documents. All other safety documents can be found in the Forms section in this Manual, please click here to access it.

Submission of all mandatory documents is a conditional requirement for the exhibitor's contractors to enter the venue during build-up. Once all plans and documents have been received and approved, a ‘Commence to Build’ letter will be issued. Build crews are not permitted to begin building without a valid Commence to Build letter and may be denied access to the venue.
Abraxys Ltd are the official plan inspection agency who will be reviewing all plans and documents. Abraxys Ltd will also be supervising the onsite build, ensuring that booths are being build according to plan.

Guidance on how to submit booths plans and documents can be found below.

The deadline for ALL plans and documents to be submitted is August 15, 2024

Submission Process

Fully detailed, scaled plans and designs must be submitted for all Space Only and Hospitality Space Only booths planning custom build. The Exhibitor Appointed Contractor details must also be submitted via the Abraxys plan upload platform.

All plans must be in English and must include as a minimum: 
  • Technical drawings at a scale of 1:50
  • Event and venue details, together with booth numbers
  • Metric dimensions clearly marked
  • Plan and elevation drawings, together with a visual
  • Details of all materials used, together with all required certificates
  • Electrical plan
  • Evacuation plan showing all necessary smoke detectors, escape route signage and locations of fire extinguishers
  • Full details of any rigging requirements or hung elements
  • Height of all elements, together with measurement of the highest point
  • Vision panels in all storage and meeting room doors
  • Evidence that all storage / meeting room doors do not open out onto the aisle. Storage or meeting rooms situated away from the aisles must have doors that open outwards - not onto a gangway, only inside the booth space
  • Fixing details for suspended or cantilevered sections of the booth using suspension wires
  • Detailed explanation of floor coverings, together with all required certificates
  • Platforms – height, materials and details of wheelchair access ramp dimensions
  • Confirmation that all platforms have rounded corners and edging to stop carpet lifting away from the edge of any platform
  • Details of any large equipment and how it will be fixed securely, including secondary fixings
  • Details of how booth will be finished at the top
All the above requirements must include the specific requirements provided in the Build Rules & Regulations section of this Event Manual, and any local building and safety regulations.
Photographs, hand drawn plans, faxed drawings or drawings from other events will not be accepted.

Safety Risk Assessment

A safety risk assessment is a careful examination of anything in the work environment that could cause injury or ill health. When completing a Risk Assessment think about and consider what you will be displaying on the booth, where everything will be positioned, and decide if there is anything that could cause anyone any harm to anyone (e.g. trailing wires, hot water, heavy boxes, trip hazards, etc.) Then think about what precautions and controls measures your will implement to prevent these things from harming anyone, and detail these in your risk assessment. Precautions and control measures can include training and the provision of information as well as practical measures such as safety guards and the implementation of a minimum safe distance.

Do this for the build-up, exhibition open days and dismantling. Weigh up whether you have taken enough precautions or should do more to prevent harm. The important aspect is whether a hazard is significant, and whether you have covered it by satisfactory precautions and controls, so that the risk is small.

If you are building a booth, your risk assessment must also include a detailed analysis of all the risks associated with your booth build, fitting and removal (e.g., working at height, use of tools, risk of fire, hazardous substances, heavy loads, live electricity, etc); and again what precautions and control measures you will implement in order to lower the risk to a safe level.

If you are building a large or complicated booth, or are involved in unusual activities during the exhibition, you may need to seek the assistance of a qualified Health & Safety professional.

The following is your step-by-step guide to completing a risk assessment:

Step 1: Look for the hazards
Look for hazards that you would reasonably expect to result in significant harm under the conditions in your booth space. Hazards are anything that can cause harm.
Ask yourself:
  • What equipment, materials and substances will be used?
  • How much noise and dust will there be?
  • What are the ground conditions?
  • How are your disposing of waste?
  • What electrical installation are there?

Potential hazards:                                                                                             
  • Slipping / tripping hazards
  • Fire
  • Chemicals
  • Moving parts
  • Working at height
  • Electricity
  • Vehicles
  • Dust
  • Fumes
  • Noise
  • Poor lighting
  • Temperature
  • Heavy goods

Step 2: Decide who might be harmed and how
Ask yourself the questions below. There is no need to list individuals by name. Think about groups of people doing similar work or who may be affected, e.g.,
  • Who will be affected by your work and at most risk?
  • Who nare your employees, contractors or exhibitors on or near your booth?
  • How will your visitors be affected?
  • Groups include staff, contractors, guests, venue service staff, among others

Step 3: Evaluate the risks
A risk is the likelihood of a hazard causing harm. Decide whether the existing precautions are adequate or whether more should be done for the hazards listed. As yoursself whether the existing precautions reduce the risk as far as reasonably practicable, represent good practice, meet industry norms and legal requirements.
Once you have done this adequately you can then decide on the appropriate action, ask yourself if the risk can be removed completely or can things be done in a different way? If not, can the risk be isolated, controlled or reduced?

Step 4: Record the findings
Write down the significant hazards and conclusions. You must also tell your employees about your findings. You should be able to demonstrate that you have made a suitable assessment by identifying what the main hazards are, who might be affected, that the precautions are reasonable, and the risk is low.

Step 5: Review your assessment

Review your assessment and revise as necessary, inevitably new plans may develop and new observations may be made which could lead to new hazards requiring an assessment. It is good practice to review your assessment from time to time to make sure precautions are working effectively, allowing you to learn by experience.

Method Statement

A method statement describes in a logical sequence how a job is to be carried out in a safe manner and without risks to health. It includes risks identified in the risk assessment and will elaborate with a detailed, step-by-step written description of how the work will be undertaken in a safe and controlled manner.

In all booth-building cases (especially steelwork erection and lifting), the foreman and / or the principal contractor should draw up a specific method statement and go through it with your contractors in advance of the event.

Certificate of Insurance (COI)

  • General Liability in the amount of $2,000,000 combined single limit bodily injury and broad form property damage coverage, including broad form contractual liability
  • Automobile Liability in the amount of $1,000,000 for any auto and/or hired and non-owned
  • Workers' Compensation Coverage in the state of Nevada with minimum of $1,000,000 limit. If the home state of the contractor does not have a reciprocal agreement with the state of Nevada, contact employers to obtain proper coverage. Phone 888'682-6671 or
  • Certificate of Insurance (COI) Sample: please click here


For any queries regarding booth plans approval, booth building regulations, risk assessments and method statements, please contact Abraxys Ltd.