Event Rules & Regulations

General Rules & Regulations

Adult Content

The Organisers reserve the right to close a stand, at any time if an exhibitor or its stand is considered to be displaying materials of an offensive nature. Any costs associated with this act will be borne by the exhibitor.


Alcohol & Drugs

The use of alcohol, drugs and other substances can affect performance and safety. It is prohibited for any exhibitor, supplier, contractor or their representative to be under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs while working at the venue, or while performing site activities, including operating vehicles or equipment. 

Any person found to be under the influence or whom, in the opinion of the organiser or its representatives, constitutes a danger to themselves or any other person within the Event, will be removed from the venue and if necessary further action will be taken.

Alcoholic beverages are permitted to be served on exhibitors stands for entertainment purposes during event days only. The Organisers ask for your collaboration when serving, to avoid excessive use by individuals. If you are planning on holding an event on your stand please go to the Parties & Events on your Stand section here.



GSMA provides a positive, harassment-free Event experience for all Attendees, regardless of gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, race, age or religion. GSMA does not tolerate harassment in any form. The use of harassing language and imagery (including that of a sexualised nature) is not appropriate at any GSMA Event or related social activity sponsored or organised by GSMA. Any Attendee found to be violating GSMA’s anti-harassment policy, may be sanctioned or expelled without a refund at GSMA’s sole discretion.

Examples of harassment include, but are not limited to:

  • Verbal comments or actions related to gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, race, age, or religion;
  • Use of sexual images in public spaces;
  • Deliberate intimidation, stalking or following;
  • Unauthorised photography or recording;
  • Use of sexualised or harassing content in presentations;
  • Inappropriate physical contact;
  • Unwelcome sexual attention; and
  • Advocating for or encouraging any of the above behaviour.

If at any time You are made to feel unsafe or unwelcome at a GSMA Event, or witness this behaviour towards others, please report it as soon as possible. Reports can be made either personally onsite to GSMA staff or emailed to conduct@gsma.com. Regardless of the reporting method, the name and/or company reporting a harassment incident will be held in strictest confidence. Onsite staff will have been briefed to immediately escalate incidents.

Anti-Harassment Enforcement 

If an Attendee engages in harassing behaviour, or GSMA reasonably suspects that an Attendee is engaging in harassing behaviour, GSMA retains the right to take any lawful actions to maintain a positive Event environment for all other Attendees. This includes warning the offending Attendee or the expulsion of the offending Attendee from an Event, with no refund, and without any liability whatsoever. Any Attendee asked to cease harassing behaviour, is expected to comply immediately.

Exhibitors, advertisers, sponsors, partners, vendor stands, and all Event related activities sponsored or organised by GSMA, are also subject to GSMA’s anti-harassment policy. Exhibitors should not use sexualised images, activities, or other material. Stand staff (including volunteers) should not wear sexualised clothing/uniforms/costumes, or otherwise create a sexualised environment. Please see the dress code section below for further guidance.


Balloons must comply with the Hanging Banner / Ceiling Policy and must not be mounted above stands. Balloons can only be filled with air. Please click here to read through the Hanging Banner / Ceiling Policy.

Only one compressed air bottle can be kept on the stand at a time. It is the responsibility of the Exhibitor to make arrangements for the storage of further bottles. In line with the Special Activities Policy, the exhibitor must notify the Organiser at least 90 days in advance. Please click here to read through the Special Activities Policy.


Competitions, Lotteries & Draws

In accordance with clause 8.2 of the Standard Terms & Conditions, should you wish to hold competitions, lotteries, draws, games of chance or the like whether at the Event or through the Sponsorship, this will require GSMA’s consent.

GSMA grants you this consent subject to the following conditions:
  • Activities involving economic participation from attendees or economic prizes shall be strictly prohibited
  • You are solely responsible for ensuring compliance with all applicable laws and regulations and, where appropriate, with any related guidance from competent authorities


Compliance with Authorities

The Event, the venue and any related Event venues are under the jurisdiction of the police, courts, authorities and applicable laws and regulations of the city of Barcelona, the region of Catalonia, and the nation of Spain. The Organiser, the venue owner, exhibitors, advertisers, sponsors, contractors, attendees, and all other third parties involved in the Event are obliged to comply with all applicable laws, as well as the requirements of the police, the courts and regulatory authorities, including but not limited to security measures, health and safety measures and the enforcement of warrants.


Please note that GSMA has entered into an agreement with SGAE, AIE and AGEDI that settles any and all use of intellectual property rights managed by the aforementioned entities in the course of the Event. Exhibitors who intend to play pre-recorded background music or show music videos on their stand as a secondary or accessory manner therefore need not to apply for the relevant licenses for public performance. However, please note that live performances, dancing events, or parties are not included in the general agreement entered by GSMA with SGAE, AIE, AGEDI. Therefore, Exhibitors who wish to organise any such event, or have any doubt as to whether a license would be required, should contact the referred entities. 

If films are to be projected, the Exhibitor must apply for the appropriate authorisation from EGEDA, the entity which administers the public performance rights of the audio-visual producers, and from AISGE who manage the rights of actors and actresses. 

Address: Padre Damián, 40, 1º pl.
28036 Madrid
Passeig de Colom, 6
08002 Barcelona
Consell de Cent, 419, 4º - 1ª
08009 Barcelona
Consell de Cent, 433, prtal 1
08009 Barcelona
Plaça d’Ibèria, 4
08014 Barcelona
Tel: +34 91 555 8196 +34 93 268 9000-3 +34 93 231 0414 +34 93 412 7622 +34 93 292 0555
Email: correo@agedi-aie.es sociscatalunya@sgae.es correo@egeda.com aisge.barcelona@aisge.es sociosbarcelona@aie.es

Display of Logos

Displays of logos or branding outside of exhibition stands such as light beams or projections onto bare walls or gangways are not permitted without prior written approval by the Organisers.


Dress Code at the Event

Exhibition stand staff are expected to dress in business and/or business casual attire and behave in an appropriate, professional manner. Given the Event’s global profile and their convening of an entire industry and ecosystem, exhibition stand staff come from a broad range of cultures and nations. GSMA asks that this diversity and inclusivity is reflected in exhibition stand staff choice of clothing (e.g. clothing with political slogans or military fatigues would not be appropriate attire for an Event).

GSMA reserves the right to request that any exhibition stand staff alter their attire or leave the Event immediately if their appearance and/or conduct: (i) is inappropriate given the professional and global nature of an Event; and / or (ii) could reasonably be deemed to be offensive to other Event participants.


Drones and other Remote Controlled Flying Objects

To ensure safety and privacy, drones, or any other type of remote-controlled flying objects, are not permitted in the venue without written permission from the Organiser and the required insurance.

Any exhibitor who wishes to enter the venue with a drone or any remote-controlled must complete the Drone Application. All drone applications and supporting documentation must be submitted two months prior to the event for approval. Please click here to download the Drone Application.

For regulations and requirements, please see the Terms & Conditions within the Drone application form.


Gangways / Aisles

All gangways must remain unobstructed and accessible at all times. Under no circumstances will any part of your stand, furniture, exhibits (including robotics or any kind of equipment) or displays be allowed to project beyond the boundary of your stand or be transported within the halls.

Giveaways & Promotional Material

Exhibitors are asked not to place stickers, signs or posters anywhere in the halls other than within their own stand and on paid advertising poster sites and billboards.

Exhibitor’s representatives may not distribute promotional literature, brochures, invitations etc. along gangways or near the entrance/exits. Such activities are to be confined within the stand boundaries.

  • All efforts to advertise, promote sales and operate exhibits or Sponsorship by the Exhibitor must be conducted in such a way as not to cause any annoyance or inconvenience to other exhibitors or visitors
  • Exhibitors are to ensure stands are kept in a clean and tidy state for the duration of the Event 
  • Exhibitors are not permitted to distribute, exhibit or advertise any third-party materials, items or services at the Event

The Organisers reserves the right to stop any Exhibitor from performing any of the mentioned activities or any activities in conjunction with the above. It is the Organisers sole discretion to remove any material or cease any activity.



Under no circumstances are Minors permitted entry to the Event venue during build-up and dismantling. 
The Organisers acknowledges that there may be circumstances in which a guardian has to bring an individual younger than 16 years of age (a “Minor”) to the Event in the absence of adequate childcare, please click here for more information on Minors access during the Event opening days.


The Organisers reserves the right to limit the use of sound systems to certain times of the day and, or switch off the source of any noise, if exhibitors are found to be non-compliant or overly obtrusive. The Organisers also reserves the right to curtail or ban demonstrations if complaints are received.

Any exhibitors wishing to feature presentations, demonstrations, simulations or devices producing noise, shall adhere to the following rules and regulations:
  • Any equipment, presentations, demonstrations, simulations or devices producing noise shall not disturb neighbouring exhibitors or visitors
  • All noise originating from an exhibit must be always set at a reasonable level and shall not exceed 3db above background noise, measured from 3m distance to the stand. This applies to stands inside and outside
  • Out of respect for fellow exhibitors, it is requested that demonstrations, which generate noise, are kept to a minimum
  • Any speakers or sound equipment within an exhibiting stand must be positioned to face inside the stand space, not towards the aisle or a neighbouring stand, in order to minimize the amount of noise or distraction towards aisles and neighbouring exhibits
  • Any audio or visual productions being played within an exhibit must be positioned to minimize the amount of noise or distraction towards aisles and neighbouring exhibits
Exhibitor are advised to download a volume meter app in order to keep control of the volume. Exhibitors playing music or showing videos should also refer to the Copyrights section. Please click here to view the Copyrights section.

Outboarding & Suitcasing

Suitcasing: The practice of companies or persons who attend shows as attendees but 'work the aisles', soliciting business from other attendees and exhibitors.

Outboarding: Non-supporting companies which set up exhibits or events at off-site locations, such as hotel hospitality suites or nearby restaurants, and encourage attendees to leave the show floor and spend time with them. 

Both practices are strictly prohibited at the event. For the good of the show and the exhibitors supporting the event, the only legitimate area to conduct business during event hours, is within a contracted exhibition or hospitality space within the Venue. Companies shall not suggest or encourage an event participant to attend a location outside the venue, in order to conduct business.


Parties & Events on your Stand

The Organisers must be informed of any event taking place within a stand perimeter such as parties, drinks receptions / happy hours, press conferences etc. If you wish to hold an event on your stand, please complete the Stand Event form.

Events should take place during the event opening hours of the hall the stand is located in and must comply with noise regulations. Some exceptions may be granted, please include any requests in your Stand Event Form submission. 

If you are hosting an event at your space, please take into account the size of your stand. Do not invite more people than your stand is able to accommodate. It's also important to ensure that all your guests remain within your stand's footprint and don't crowd the public aisles.

Any exhibitor found to be entertaining/holding an event on their stand without the relevant permissions, may be asked to finish their event. Any costs associated with a cancelled event will be borne by the exhibitor.


Photography & Filming

In accordance with clause 14.9 of the Standard Terms and Conditions for Exhibition, Advertising and Sponsorship, GSMA grants you consent for photography and filming subject to the following conditions:

a. You commit to carry out such activities solely and exclusively during the Event open days and official opening hours;  
b. You commit not to carry out such activities during build-up and dismantling;
c. You commit not to carry out such activities in any restricted or embargoed areas (i.e. if a company is getting ready to unveil a new product);
d. You commit to take photographs or make recordings exclusively of your own space (exhibition stand, meeting room, hospitality area, etc.). Regarding the content made, you become solely responsible and liable for:
  • Those individuals (employees or subcontractors) and equipment involved in making the content;
  • The use of such content, which shall ensure full compliance with current legislation on privacy and personal data protection and any other applicable laws;
  • Requesting appropriate consents and authorizations from any third-party involved in the content made for the publication and dissemination of such content by obtaining the corresponding third-parties’ image rights. GSMA reserves the right to request the Company a proof of evidence of such consent collection.
e. You commit not to take photographs or make recordings of other third-parties’ spaces;
f. You commit not to place tripods or other stationary photographic or video equipment and cabling outside any exhibition/hospitality space or in public gangways;
g. You commit to obtain and maintain official insurance as required by the Standard Terms and Conditions for Exhibition, Sponsorship and Advertising; and
h. You commit not to use wireless devices that can interfere with the Venue Internet services (for example wireless microphones or cameras). For more information, please check the Wireless Policy

Failure to comply with the above mentioned conditions, may result in (i) your Company incurring in a material breach of the obligations assumed under the Terms and Conditions for Exhibition, Advertising and Sponsorship; (ii) the content made (original and any copy) be handed over to the Organizer for the sole purpose of its destruction; and (iii) eviction of your Company or the offending party from the venue and not allowed re-entry to the Event or any future Events organized by or on behalf of the Organisers.

Press Access

Members of the press are not permitted within the exhibition halls during the build-up or dismantling period.
Exhibitors who register press as exhibition staff and who facilitate access to press during these periods will be in violation of the Terms & Conditions and will be asked to leave the venue.



If you are planning any form of attraction on your stand which requires a queue system or a large gathering of people, this must be included within the stand footprint. Any queue or gathering spilling into the gangway surrounding the stand or into the main aisles will be moved and the attraction stopped until a solution is put in place by the Exhibitor.



The use of certain robotics on your stand are classed as 'Special Activities' and require further review and approval from the Organisers. Please read through the below for further information on the types of activities require a Special Activity form to be submitted.

All robotics devices will be inspected onsite by the health & safety team and may be subject to additional questions/confirmation regarding safety.

  • Domestic robots, household robots and service robots
    • If you are planning any demonstrations which involve robotic devices developed for use by the general public (housework robots, surveillance robots, entertainment robots, and others) and / or interact with attendees, devices must comply with the EC safety standards and be CE marked. Documentary evidence or labelling may be required on-site by the health and safety team
    • Important: Any part of a robot which is used to cut or could be sharp, must be removed from the device
    • This special activity will be inspected onsite by the health & safety team

  • Robots, devices or machinery not interacting with humans
    • Demonstrations involving industrial robots and machinery that do not interact with humans, including, but not limited to, robot arms, articulated robots, and manufacturer machinery must follow the below regulations:
      • Such devices must be installed behind a fixed perimeter barrier to ensure attendees stay behind an exclusion zone  
      • A minimum safety distance must be maintained at all times to avoid any interaction with people
      • If the device will interact with humans, please review the next section
      • This special activity will be inspected onsite by the health & safety team

  • Robots, devices or machinery interacting with humans
    • Demonstrations involving robots or devices designed to operate in close proximity or interact with humans require further review and approval from the Organisers. Please submit the Special Activity form
    • All such devices must comply with the relevant European safety standards and directives. It is important that you submit all of the documentation and technical information describing the safety features of the device such as stopping mechanisms, power and force limiting, safe reduced speed, etc. Please check the instructions of the 'Special Activity form' for further information
    • This special activity will be inspected onsite by the health & safety team

/image showing robots.png



Smoking is not permitted inside of any part of the Fira Gran Via Premises. This applies to build-up, show open days and dismantling.


Special Activities Policy

Certain activities such as virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), mixed reality (MR) self-driving cars, vehicle demonstrations, attendee participation activities, simulations, strobe lighting, and robotics, among others, require further review and approval from the Organisers. 

Please refer to the Special Activities & Prohibited Goods section below for a list of what is considered to be a special activity.

Should you wish to conduct a special activity on your stand, please complete and submit the Special Activity Form.

If in doubt please submit the form and the Organisers will advise if any further action is required.

All special activities will be inspected onsite by the health & safety team and may be subject to additional questions/confirmation regarding safety.


Special Activities & Prohibited Goods

Unless specifically agreed by the Organisers, the following goods and equipment are prohibited and will not be admitted on to the exhibition floor: 

  • Flammable liquids or gases 
  • Naked flames incl. candles, torches etc.
  • Compressed gas cylinders 
  • Radioactive materials 
  • Radiation generators 
  • Goods classified as hazardous including toxic, corrosive, irritant, harmful or oxidising materials (with the exception of small quantities of domestic cleaning materials in containers or aerosols of less than 500 cc capacity) 
  • Any activity involving water where there is a risk of legionella i.e. water features, fountains etc. 
  • Explosive, pyrophoric or spontaneous combustible materials
  • Smoke machines 
  • Lasers other than Class 1 lasers or those in completely enclosed equipment 
  • Equipment that may cause nuisance due to odour, emission of objectionable noises or stroboscopic or disturbing lights, simulators and rides 
  • Animals
  • Machinery with moving parts on display including robots or robotic features. Please click here for more information on Robotics
  • Gas cylinders
  • Simulation Rides
  • Certain types of Virtual Reality. Please refer to the Virtual Reality section below for more information
  • Self-Driving Cars and vehicle demonstrations
  • Drones or remote controlled flying objects. Please click here for more information on Drones
  • Strobe or fast changing visuals. Please click here for more information on Strobes
  • Acrobatics or any other kind of activity that involves performers or artists

Should you wish to conduct a special activity on your stand, please find further information in the Special Activity Policy above.


Virtual Reality 

Virtual reality, augmented reality and mixed reality involve immersive activities that distract and change the view of a participant’s actual surroundings. Such activities have the potential to cause injuries resulting from tripping, running into or striking walls, furniture, other objects or people.

In conducting VR, AR or MR activities, an Exhibitor must adhere to the following guidelines:

  • Activities must only take place in a safe environment
  • Exhibitors must ensure the area is completely free of any objects, walls, furniture or other items that participants can bump into or knock down when using the headset
  • Trained staff must be present at all times to ensure best practices and supervise the activity to ensure the participant’s safety
  • Participants should not handle sharp or dangerous objects while in the experience
  • Screens that are on / adjacent to the aisles are not permitted to be used for VR, AR or MR in order to avoid congestion in the gangways
  • If the activity requires a queue system or a large gathering of people, this must be included within your stand footprint

Virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), mixed reality (MR) activities may also involve certain health risks. Such risks include motion sickness, nausea, dizziness, seizures, disorientation, loss of balance, and post-traumatic stress disorder responses. 

Exhibitors must ensure that participants in VR, AR or MR activities are fully aware of the health and safety warnings pertaining to such activities including through the use of safety signs to inform attendees of such risks.

Exhibitors are solely responsible for all risks and liabilities associated with any VR, AR, MR or other activities conducted at its stand. 


Exhibitors must submit the Special Activity form if the Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR), Mixed Reality (MR) planned activity involves any of the following:

• The participant’s engagement in any physical activity while engaging in the VR, AR, or MR activity
• If the activity requires the use of any props such as a holding an object like a bat / racket of any kind
• Any VR, AR or MR activity in which the participant moves / revolves 180 to 360 degrees
• Simulator rides or chairs with moving parts

Waste Separation for Exhibitors

Exhibitors have the option to separate their waste on their stand into paper waste, packaging and mixed waste for recycling. If you wish to do this, please visit The Exhibitor Care Help Desk South Entrance, Level -1.

Full bags have to be left in the nearest gangway at the end of the day for separate collection.

Waste separation colour code:

Paper Blue Bag
Packaging Yellow Bag
Mixed Waste
Black Bag

Wheeled Transportation

The use of scooters, Segway’s, rollerblades, bicycles, skateboards, or other wheeled transportation not for use by the disabled, are strictly forbidden from use within the venue grounds at all times during build-up, show open days and dismantling.


Wireless Policy: Wi-Fi 2.4 GHz / 5 GHz

It is forbidden to install or operate devices that propagate a wireless signal, as these will cause interferences in the general services provided at the venue. Examples of what is not allowed can be found below:
  • Wi-Fi access points, also known as Wi-Fi routers
  • Mobile hotspots (sharing your mobile Internet connection, thus creating a Wi-Fi network)
  • MiFi devices
  • Beacons
  • Wireless microphones and/or cameras
  • Any other device that uses the unlicensed 2.4GHz or 5GHz spectra
In the interests of every exhibitor, unauthorized wireless networks will be detected and shut down. All exhibitors must adhere to the wireless policy and penalty processes will be activated if any are found to be in breach of the policy.

Please remember the main driver for this Wi-Fi strategy is to improve the Wi-Fi experience for all exhibitors and attendees  at the Event.

IMPORTANT NOTE: It is understood  that some exhibitors may require a special Wi-Fi network for demonstrations. Exhibitors with this specific business should contact the IT Department of Fira Barcelona to discuss requirements at the following email address: mwcbarcelona.internet@firabarcelona.com

The Wi-Fi service is provided throughout the exhibition halls by Fira Barcelona. This service is provided exclusively in the 5GHz band that allows a better performance in crowded areas. All smartphones, tablets and laptops released in recent years will run 5GHz Wi-Fi.

Exhibitors should ensure that 5GHz compatible devices are used for the Event.


Wireless Policy: Cellular Frequencies

To ensure availability and fairness of allocation, there are restrictions on requesting frequencies for the Event. Exhibitors should contact Fira Barcelona to discuss any requirements.

There are  a limited number of frequencies available to be shared by the exhibitors, as a result the frequency coordination team will coordinate the different slots to reduce interference between exhibitors. Power restrictions may also apply.

It is necessary to apply in the following circumstances:
  • The equipment intended for demonstration will broadcast a radio frequency at any band other than Wi-Fi spectrum (2.4 – 5 GHz)
  • When planning to use wireless microphones and walkie-talkies. This type of equipment requires band allocation and coordination to avoid interference between exhibitors, even though they can be used in unlicensed bands without requesting a frequency band
  • For using wireless microphones it is recommended to secure a frequency, to  avoid interference
  • It is NOT necessary to apply for a frequency when using a commercial SIM card from an operator or for Wi-Fi devices
Ordering process:
  • Contact the Frequency Coordination team of the Event at the following email address mwcbarcelona.frequency@firabarcelona.com, with the requirements
  • NEW FOR 2025: If ordering microphone frequencies contact Microphone Coordination Team of the Event at mwcbarcelona.mics@firabarcelona.com with the requirements
  • Exhibitors must report both wired and wireless demonstrations even if demonstrations use licensed/unlicensed spectrum
  • Click here for a list of available bands 
  • Once your request is approved, a spectrum allocation fee need to be paid through the Fira Store. For each frequency band requested, one unit of Frequency Management Fee product must be ordered
  • The product is under Internet & Connectivity > Additional Services > Frequency Management Fee / Microphone Frequency Management
If you need help during the process, please contact  +34 93 233 3099 or email mwcbarcelona.frequency@firabarcelona.com.

Important notes:
  • The deadline to order frequencies is Friday 31 January 2025
  • If you need Wi-Fi or use Wi-Fi bands, please refer to the Wireless Policy: 2.4 GHz / 5 GHz above
  • The demonstrations cannot interfere with other licensed telecommunication services
  • Each exhibitor must be in condition to control the emission power of their radio equipment during any time that the spectrum is in use (including build up and validation testing, etc.)
  • The maximum e.i.r.p limits stipulated in Appendix 1 will be applied
  • Click here for a list of available bands
  • The assigned frequencies will be confirmed around Tuesday 25 February 2025, with the official confirmation from the Spanish Frequency regulator around Tuesday 18 February 2025
  • A time scheduling policy would be applied if there are not enough frequency bands
  • Assigned frequencies can be used from Monday 3 March 2025 to Thursday 6 March 2025
  • All the emissions must finish at the end of the Event
  • Please note that there is a specific advice section on how to coordinate and set up your audio-visual equipment to avoid interference with other systems. Exhibitors can find this information in the Audio Visual Frequencies Interference section in this manual. Please click here to view this section

Appendix 1
These figures represent maximum power levels allowed around each booth (3m). Further power restrictions may apply onsite in case of interferences. Specifications subject to change. 

 Channel width

Maximum mean e.i.r.p. density

Maximum peak e.i.r.p.

Below 1,5MHz

- 80 dBm/MHz or -146 dBm/Hz / channel

- 70 dBm

1.5 to 5MHz

- 80 dBm/MHz or -143 dBm/Hz / channel

- 70 dBm

5 to 10 MHz

- 80 dBm/MHz or -140 dBm/Hz / channel

- 70 dBm

Appendix 2

Click here for a list of available bands


General Safety Regulations

The information below must be read and adhered to by all exhibitors and their appointed contractors.

GSMA and Fira Barcelona take the responsibility of creating an environment, that is as safe as reasonably practicable, very seriously. Creating such an environment is a collaborative effort involving all organising parties, exhibitors, suppliers and contractors.  
All exhibitors have a legal obligation to ensure that all applicable laws and regulations are competently followed by all staff, agents and contractors; and to create a safe working environment in and around their stand space. Failure to do so can lead to fines and prosecutions.

This section has been produced to provide exhibitors with clear, simple suggestions for understanding and implementing a suitable and sufficient safety management programme to comply with Health & Safety procedures.


ALL Exhibitors must submit the following Health & Safety Documentation for review before arriving onsite. Forms can be accessed in the Forms & Deadlines section.

Important note: Whilst forms are provided as a guide, completion of these does not necessarily mean they will be approved. All Risk Assessment’s, Method Statement’s and Health & Safety Declaration’s must be compliant, suitable and sufficient. When completing your documents, please take into account as much as reasonably possible, all risks and hazards associated with your activities at the Event, in particular the construction and dismantling of any structures. All of these risks must be assessed to an acceptable level.

ALL EXHIBITORS (regardless of the contract type)

Space Only stands and any meeting room planning a custom build

Health & Safety Declaration

Health & Safety Declaration

Risk Assessment Form**

Manage My Contractor

Special Activities Form *

Risk Assessment Form

Stand Plan Submission

Method Statement Form

Double Deck Health & Safety Form*

Special Activities Form *

 * Where applicable.

 **Not mandatory for Co-exhibitors

Health & Safety Declaration

When first accessing the online manual all exhibitors must accept the Terms & Conditions , which include a Health & Safety statement. 
Employer duties in no sense are reduced when exhibiting at an Event, therefore all health & safety at work regulations must still be complied with. 

Exhibitors are legally responsible for any person working on their stand and their actions, or inactions. Exhibitors must ensure that all contractors are competent and will work in a safe manner. Exhibitors are advised to request copies of their contractors Health & Safety Policy. For smaller companies who may not have such documents, Exhibitors are advised to request copies of public liability and employee's insurance documents for reference. Exhibitors are advised not to contract with companies who cannot provide such documents.

Safety Risk Assessment

Under health and safety and work regulations, it is the employers duty to make a suitable and sufficient assessment of risks to the health and safety of employees and non-employees at the stand.
A safety risk assessment is a careful examination of anything in the work environment that could cause injury or ill health. This involves  identifying the hazards present onsite, then devising ways to minimise and control those hazards.  

Guidance for those completing the Safety Risk Assessment

When completing a Risk Assessment think about and consider what you will be displaying on the stand, where everything will be positioned, and decide if there is anything that could cause anyone any harm to anyone (e.g. trailing wires, hot water, heavy boxes, trip hazards, etc.) Then think about what precautions and controls measures your will implement to prevent these things from harming anyone, and detail these in your risk assessment. Precautions and control measures can include training and the provision of information as well as practical measures such as safety guards and the implementation of a minimum safe distance.

Do this for the build-up, exhibition open days and dismantling. Weigh up whether you have taken enough precautions or should do more to prevent harm. The important aspect is whether a hazard is significant, and whether you have covered it by satisfactory precautions and controls, so that the risk is small.

If you are building a stand, your risk assessment must also include a detailed analysis of all the risks associated with your stand build, fitting and removal (e.g., working at height, use of tools, risk of fire, hazardous substances, heavy loads, live electricity, etc); and again what precautions and control measures you will implement in order to lower the risk to a safe level.

If you are building a large or complicated stand, or are involved in unusual activities during the exhibition, you may need to seek the assistance of a qualified Health & Safety professional.

The following is your step-by-step guide to completing a risk assessment:

Step 1: Look for the hazards Look for hazards that you would reasonably expect to result in significant harm under the conditions in your stand space. Hazards are anything that can cause harm.
Ask yourself:
  • What equipment, materials and substances will be used?
  • How much noise and dust will there be?
  • What are the ground conditions?
  • How are your disposing of waste?
  • What electrical installation are there?

 Potential hazards:                                                                                             
  • Slipping / tripping hazards
  • Fire
  • Chemicals
  • Moving parts
  • Working at height
  • Electricity
  • Vehicles
  • Dust
  • Fumes
  • Noise
  • Poor lighting
  • Temperature
  • Heavy goods

Step 2: Decide who might be harmed and how
Ask yourself the questions below. There is no need to list individuals by name. Think about groups of people doing similar work or who may be affected, e.g.,
  • Who will be affected by your work and at most risk?
  • Who are your employees, contractors or exhibitors on or near your stand?
  • How will your visitors be affected?
  • Groups include staff, contractors, guests, venue service staff, among others

Step 3: Evaluate the risks
A risk is the likelihood of a hazard causing harm. Decide whether the existing precautions are adequate or whether more should be done for the hazards listed. As yoursself whether the existing precautions reduce the risk as far as reasonably practicable, represent good practice, meet industry norms and legal requirements.
Once you have done this adequately you can then decide on the appropriate action, ask yourself if the risk can be removed completely or can things be done in a different way? If not, can the risk be isolated, controlled or reduced?

Step 4: Record the findings
Write down the significant hazards and conclusions. You must also tell your employees about your findings. You should be able to demonstrate that you have made a suitable assessment by identifying what the main hazards are, who might be affected, that the precautions are reasonable, and the risk is low.

Step 5: Review your assessment
Review your assessment and revise as necessary, inevitably new plans may develop and new observations may be made which could lead to new hazards requiring an assessment. It is good practice to review your assessment from time to time to make sure precautions are working effectively, allowing you to learn by experience.

Method Statement

All space only stands, and meeting rooms with custom build inside, require a method statement.
A method statement describes in a logical sequence how a job is to be carried out in a safe manner and without risks to health. It includes risks identified in the risk assessment and will elaborate with a detailed, step-by-step written description of how the work will be undertaken in a safe and controlled manner.
In all stand-building cases (especially steelwork erection and lifting), the foreman and / or the principal contractor should draw up a specific method statement and go through it with your contractors in advance of the event.

Stand Plan Submission

All Space Only Exhibitors (Space Only Stands are deemed as all stands being built, Hybrid, Hospitality and general Space Only), or exhibitors planning a custom build in a meeting room, must submit detailed plans of the construction with the relevant supporting documentation. All documents must be reviewed and a Commence to Build Letter, issued from Abraxys Ltd, before work inside the venue may commence. Please click here to find more information in the Stand Plan Submission section.

Manage My Third Party

It is the responsibility of the exhibitor to give access to the appointed contractors and/or colleagues to the manual and submit their contact details. Once this is completed, you can assign specific forms to your contractors / colleagues in order for them to complete on your behalf. You will be able to access all forms via the Forms & Deadlines section.
Once you have allocated a specific person to your account, your contractors and/or colleagues will receive personal credentials to access to the manual and the forms you have assigned to them. We encourage all exhibitors to make use of this function as much as possible to ensure the relevant parties are submitting the relevant, information on your behalf.

Special Activities

Certain activities such as virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), mixed reality (MR), self-driving cars, vehicle demonstrations, attendee participation activities, simulations, strobe lighting, and robotics, among others, require further review and approval from the Organisers. Please ensure to read through the Special Activities Policy above to understand if your activity requires further approval. 


Temporary kitchens built as part of a standfor use during show days are allowed under special conditions and must follow strict health and safety regulations and hygiene guidelines outlined below. 

Cooking is not allowed during the build up and dismantling period. Contractors are allowed the use of reheating equipment such as microwaves and airfryers. Under no circumstances is cooking of raw food allowed onsite during build up and dismantling

Health inspectors will be on site to inspect kitchens and food preparation areas. 

All kitchen spaces at stands must adhere to the below regulations:
  • Floors and walls must be in good condition, without cracks and easy to clean
  • Sufficient lighting must be provided to allow work to be carried out in a safe manner, ensuring the safety of food preparation
  • A sink must be installed with drinkable water, equipped with antibacterial soap and paper towels
  • All handling surfaces must be smooth, non-permeable and easy to clean
  • Any areas being used to handle and / or store food must be located / designed in a certain way to allow enough room to work (not located in walkways)
  • Food temperatures must be maintained as per the guidelines (hot food over 65ºC / 149ºF; cold food under 4ºC / 39ºF)
  • Office temperature: maximal of 25ºC / 77ºF (install air conditioning if necessary)
If you have any logistical questions concerning the space within your Hospitality Suite, please contact your official catering company for direct involvement. Please click here for information on official catering suppliers.


Emergency Numbers

In the event of an emergency inside the Fira Gran Via venue, please call (+34) 93 233 4100 during event opening hours. English speaking staff will be available.

If you have a security emergency outside of the venue please call (+34) 900 77 2025. This is a free 24-hour Security telephone number for assistance, operational from 3 to 6 March 2025.

First Aid

If you need to report an accident or require any form of medical assistance within Fira Gran Via including an Ambulance please call Security Control on (+34) 93 233 41 00. Do not call ambulances directly in such cases, as Fira Security will co-ordinate all incidents within the venue.

It is important to give the following information when requiring medical assistance in order for them to deal with the incident quickly and effectively:

  • Exact location of the casualty – e.g. Stand name & number
  • Type of incident, e.g. cut, broken limb, faint or suspected heart problem
Please see below the locations of the First Aid Centres in Fira Gran Via:
  • Hall 3, opposite stand 3M10
  • Hall 3, outdoor area 3-5
  • Hall 8.0, Partner District
Click here for an Event Map showing First Aid Locations.
If you require an Ambulance outside of Fira Gran Via please call the European Emergency Number 112


The principal areas, which need to be brought to attention, will include but not be restricted to: 
  • A person must be appointed to be responsible for health and safety matters on the stand
  • Your staff and contractors should be constantly reminded by you of the need for vigilance regarding health and safety to themselves and those working in their vicinity
  • Stand construction contractors must comply fully with the legal requirements that are relevant to their operations
  • The understanding of emergency & evacuation procedures and the location of the first aid centre
  • The need to maintain emergency exits and keep gangways clear during build-up and the breakdown
  • Ensuring that good housekeeping is maintained in work areas, thereby minimising risks and allowing any remaining hazards to be identified easily
  • The work area must be free from general waste materials, as they could be a hazard. All waste should be disposed regularly and in line with the Waste Removal Policy
  • Nails and other sharp object must not be left protruding from any packing cases or material
  • The need for personnel to wear suitable protective clothing relevant to their job, which includes head, eye, hearing, hand and foot protection, as well as high visibility clothing, as necessary
  • Working at height must be done in a safe manner, using suitable equipment in the approved way, e.g., step ladders, mobile scaffold towers and harness' as necessary
  • All portable power equipment must be used only for the purpose for which it was designed, with the correct safety guards, dust collection systems and other safety devices fitted and being used. Trailing power leads must be kept to a minimum and not cross gangways, unless protected at source by a residual current device. Petrol powered equipment must not be used
  • Ensure power equipment is not used by anyone other than fully trained and qualified personnel. All equipment and machinery must comply with the relevant standards
  • Ensure the safe use and storage of flammable liquids and substances and isolate from waste and other risk areas
  • Ensure chemicals and flammable liquids are safely removed from the hall after use. Under no circumstances may such products be placed in general rubbish bins and skips
  • The consumption of alcohol is not permitted in the venue during the build-up and dismantling periods
  • All contractors must be aware of the need to identify suitable and sufficient tools and equipment required for the job before coming on-site
  • During build-up and dismantling, the preparation of food and cooking within the venue is prohibited.  Under no circumstances is the use of equipment to cook food allowed in the venue


If you or your contractor are involved in or are a witness to an accident whilst on-site, regardless of how small, it must be reported.


  • All gangways must always remain unobstructed and accessible
  • Under no circumstances will any part of your stand, furniture, exhibits or displays be allowed to project beyond the boundary of your stand
  • No doors or windows shall open outwards onto a gangway
  • Night sheets must be tied securely and neatly throughout the day and avoid obstruction to gangways
  • Building across gangways is not permitted, without prior written agreement with the Organisers


The Organisers have adopted The Guide to Global Standards of Health and Safety at Exhibitions as minimum standard of health and safety that all venues, exhibitors and contractors should abide by. Exhibitors are advised to download the g-Guide and ensure that this information and relevant training is provided to all personnel who will be working at the stand. Please click here to download the g-Guide.


/image showing correct and incorrect working on ladders

Ladders can be used when it is not practicable to use a working platform, or if the activity is low risk. Ladders must be used in accordance with manufacturer's instructions at all times.

Additionally, the following guidelines must be followed:

  • Ladders must have ‘industrial’ rating (this type are more durable and resilient)
  • Ladders for work over 4m are not permitted
  • Leaning ladders must be placed at the correct angle
  • Ladders should only be used on level ground and must be secure e.g., suitably tied or, as a last resort footed
  • The top treads or steps must not be used as a platform for work
  • Users should always face the ladder whilst climbing or dismounting
  • Stepladders should not be used sideways-on where sideways loads are applied
  • Only one person should climb or work from a ladder or a stepladder
  • Steps and ladders should be checked for suitability and defects each time they are used
  • All workers must wear a helmet to secure their safety

Please click here to view the Do’s and Don’ts off ladder safety.

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

Important: All exhibitors and contractors in the halls during build-up and dismantling must wear appropriate PPE (Personal Protective Equipment)

  • Access to the venue is prohibited without wearing a hard hat and a high visibility vest with the exception of the Sunday before the event
  • Robust footwear should be worn in the halls during build up and dismantling to prevent slipping and foot injuries. Flat shoes or pumps, heels of any kind, wedges, sandals, and flip-flops – are NOT suitable or permitted
Please click here to read more about Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).